Plant health improvement, immunization and yield management program
for Pome fruit
Tasks to be solved
Plants health
Powerful fungal, bacterio- and virusstatic action of the plant’s immune response without highly toxic pesticides
Providing nutrition for
productive growth and
development. Maximum absorption of nutrients by plants
Increase yields and output of marketable fruits
Growth stimulation
Active growth of annual shoots and formation of buds (including flower
buds) for the next year
Enhances fruit tree productivity by mitigating the effects of spring frost and boosting resistance to high temperatures
Active regrowth of green mass after combating
difficult-to-eradicate diseases
Improving the general
phytosanitary condition of
intensive gardens
Safe use during
blossoming and fruiting
without residual contents in fruits
Improved quality,
marketability and
flavor of fruits
Increasing preservation of fruits during storage and transportation
Program recommendations
It is recommended to start using SCS-Tech® products before the appearance of external signs of the disease or as soon as the first lesions are detected. Spraying of pome fruits in protected soil should be carried out from the stage of BBCH 00-09 Sprouting/Bud development to the stage BBCH 81-89 Maturity of fruit and seed. SCS-Tech® products are as flexible as possible with regard to the application rate of working solution. It is only necessary to clearly observe the specified product concentration in the working solution.
Spraying should be done until the leaf surface of the plants is completely madefaction
BBCH 00-09 Sprouting/Bud development
BBCH 00-09 Sprouting/Bud development
Silver Mix®
0,4 l/ha
(0.1% in working solution)
(20 ml/100 liters of water)or other organosilicon super wetting agent
Working fluid consumption 400 l/ha
BBCH 10-19 Leaf development
Silver Mix® 0,8-1 l/ha

(0.2% in working solution)
(20 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 400-500 l/ha
BBCH 31-39 (51) Shoot development
In case of signs of powdery mildew appear
Silver Mix® 1-1,2 l/ha

(0.2% in working solution)
(20 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 500-600 l/ha
BBCH 51-59 Inflorescence emergence
T3: BBCH 55-59
Silver Phos® 0,4 l/ha
(0.1% in working solution)
Silver Mix® 3,5 l/ha

(0.5% in working solution)
(15 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 400-600 l/ha
BBCH 57-59. In case of signs of scab
Working fluid consumption 700 l/ha
BBCH 60-69 Flowering
Silver Mix® 1-3 l/ha
(depending on the
pathogenic background)

(10 ml/100 liters of water)
Silver Mix® 2-3 l/ha
(depending on the
pathogenic background)



(10 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 400-600 l/ha
Spraying during flowering are recommended to be carried out regularly at intervals of 5-7 days, the minimum number of treatments is 2:
T4: ВВСН 61-63
T5: ВВСН 65-67
For pear, quince and particularly sensitive varieties of apple trees, as well as plants damaged last season - 4 l/ha
Spraying during flowering is safe for bees and other entomophagous
BBCH 71-79 Development of fruit
Silver Phos® 0,5 l/ha
Working fluid consumption 800-1000 l/ha
Silver Mix® 1 l/ha

(10 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 800-1000 l/ha
T6: ВВСН 71-73
T7: ВВСН 75-77
BBCH 81-89 Maturity of fruit and seed
Silver Mix® 1 l/ha

(20 ml/100 liters of water)
Silver Mix® 2 l/ha


(20 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 700-1000 l/ha
T10: 3-4 days before harvesting (for storage)
Spraying during fruit ripening are recommended to be carried out regularly at intervals of 5-7 days, the last treatment 3-4 days before harvesting, the minimum number of treatments is 3:
Working fluid consumption
400 l/ha
BBCH 91-99 Senescence, beginning of dormancy
Silver Mix® 3 l/ha
(20 ml/100 liters of water)
Working fluid consumption 1000 l/ha
To enhance nonspecific immunity in order to prevent fire blight (Erwinia amylovora), step cancer (Neonectria Galligena) and anthractic blight (Neofabraea malicorticis)
All preparations can be added to the fertigation system at a concentration of 0.1%-0.3% (1-3 l/ha) per 1000 liters of water, depending on the phenological phase.

In case of increased infectious load, epiphytotics, it is possible to increase dosage of Silver Mix® to 1% solution and/or increasing the frequency of treatments, up to 3 days, without ecotoxicological manifestations.

The use of organo-silicone superwetting agent according to the specified scheme is obligatory and provides:

  • maximizing the full disclosure of all product properties;
  • uniform distribution of the solution over the surface of plants with pubescence and waxy coating, minimizing its loss during spraying.
Application results
Ascorbic acid
Number of fruits
Fruit weight
Length of annual shoots
Number of annual shoots
Bud formation (including flower buds)
Immunity induction results
The maximum indicators of internal protection against pathogens are achieved at the beginning of the use of the SCS-Tech® plants health improvement, immunization and yield management program before the first signs of plant infection and careful observance of the terms and parameters of treatments throughout the growing season of pome fruits.
- The maximum indicators recorded during scientific, industrial tests and practical use of SCS-Tech® products are indicated.
Based on data on industrial use of products
Technology of preparation of the working solution
Integration and Compatibility
As part of minimizing the use of highly toxic pesticides, it is recommended to integrate additional drugs into the program only in extreme plant development conditions, for example, with an increased infectious load, epiphytotics, critically depleted soil, etc. Integrated preparations (fertilizers and fungicides) can be used in the minimum dosages recommended by the manufacturer according to the regulations. This will minimize the negative impact of pesticides on plants, the environment and human health, without compromising the effectiveness of the protection program.
Please note that the products included in the SCS-Tech® protection and nutrition programs are compatible with most plant protection products and agrochemicals except:
• biological products with live bacteria;

• preparations containing sulfur in active form (colloidal sulfur, sulfur-lime decoction);

• calcium nitrate;

• inkstone;

• copper sulfate;

• manganese sulfate;

• zinc sulfate;

• bordeaux mixture;

• elemental iodine;

• thiram;
• all polysulfidesWhen integrating these products into SCS-Tech® programs, they should be used in a separate tank mix, alternating with Silver Mix® and Silver Phos® treatments.
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